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The book "Cape Verdean Collective Labor Law" by Professor Doctor António Monteiro Fernandes was published.

These lessons aim to provide topics that are as clear a synthesis as possible of the oral lectures I deliver to my first-year students at the Faculty of Law of Universidade Lusófona. In fact, they have a single purpose, which is to serve as a study aid. If this goal is achieved, I believe I will have accomplished my objective. I would like to point out that the topics covered in each chapter do not consciously and positively exhaust all the matters that could or should be addressed within each of them.

The author is Profesor Teresa Luso Soares, Associate Researcher at the CEAD Francisco Suárez.

Click here to purchase the manual.

These lessons aim to provide topics that are as clear a synthesis as possible of the oral lectures I deliver to my first-year students at the Faculty of Law of Universidade Lusófona. In fact, they have a single purpose, which is to serve as a study aid. If this goal is achieved, I believe I will have accomplished my objective. I would like to point out that the topics covered in each chapter do not consciously and positively exhaust all the matters that could or should be addressed within each of them.

The book "Gender Violence, Women, and Criminal Law" has been published under the Direction of Professor Inês Godinho and Professor Beatriz García Sánchez, and the Coordination of Professor Alexandra Vilela, Professor Bruno de Oliveira Moura, and Professor Mercedes Yela Uceda.

The book "Gender Violence, Women, and Criminal Law" aims to analyze various intersecting issues in criminal terms through a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to gender violence. It goes beyond a limited or narrowly focused perspective on different types of criminality, encompassing diverse topics such as the role of women, their international protection, sexual crimes, cultural crimes, and even obstetric violence. The collaboration between CEAD Francisco Suárez and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid provides an international and comparative perspective, offering a distinctive and innovative approach to the issue of gender violence in the national context.

Contributions can be found from the following authors: Alexandra Vilela, Beatriz García Sánchez, Bruno de Oliveira Moura, Carlos González Léon, Cátia Monteiro, Diana Simas, Hugo Cunha Lança, Inês Fernandes Godinho, Joana Tavares de Oliveira, João Pedro Pereira Cardoso, Julia Ropero Carrasco, Maria Cunha Louro, Mercedes Yela Uceda, Patrícia Barros, Rita Domingos, and Sandra López de Zubiria Díaz, some of whom are researchers at CEAD Francisco Suárez.

The book can be purchased here.

The collective work "DECENT WORK: a dialogue beyond borders on the UN Agenda 2030" was published, with the contribution of Professors from the Faculty of Law of Universidade Lusófona and CEAD.

The authors of the book included the following professors: Carolina de Freitas e Silva, Joana Neto, José Gonçalves Machado, Luís Manuel Pica, Mário Silveiro Barros, Marlene Mendes and Tiago Cochofel de Azevedo.

The purpose of the work, which can be consulted in the CEAD Bibliographic Center (room N.1.5), is to present a set of reflections on the path taken and to be followed towards the sustainable development of nations, necessarily involving the notion of work in conditions that dignify the human person.

The work "Studies in Celebration of 20 years of CIRE", coordinated by Professor José Gonçalves Machado, was published by Almedina.

This work follows the Conference in Celebration of the 20th year of CIRE, organized jointly by the Faculty of Law of the Lusófona University - Centro Universitário de Lisboa and the Center for Advanced Studies in Law - Francisco Suárez, which took place on the 8th of May 2024, in Lisbon.

Forensic practice requires legal knowledge, which is typically only acquired over the years in legal professions.

We publicize the publication of the book "Legal business and medical civil liability" which was coordinated by Prof. Doctor Ana Isa Meireles and Prof. Doctor Diana Coutinho.

This book of Minutes is the result of contributions shared at the 1st Seminar on Legal Business and Medical Civil Responsibility, held on April 20, 2023, at Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário do Porto, which was organized with the support of CEAD and the NED (Nucleus of Law Students at Universidade Lusófona).

Taking into account that medico-legal issues are constantly evolving, and in particular in view of the changes introduced by artificial intelligence, as well as the fact that new questions and problems arise in traditional areas of Civil Law, the Seminar provided a space for sharing and debate about the problems and new challenges that this aspect of Law faces.

"Criminal Procedural Law - General Principles - Procedural Subjects - Procedural Acts - Exceptions" by Doctor Quirino Soares with the collaboration of Professor Doctor Flávio Serrano Roques is now available for purchase, at the Lusófona Store and at regular locations.

"Criminal Procedural Law - Preliminary Acts - Judgment - Special Processes - Appeal" by Doctor Quirino Soares with the collaboration of Professor Doctor Flávio Serrano Roques is now available for purchase, at the Lusófona Store and usual locations.