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Center of Advanced Studies in Law Francisco Suárez


The organisational structure of the CEAD Francisco Suárez is made up of a Coordination Council, a Scientific Council and a Board of Trustees.

Board of Co-ordination

The Council of Coordination is made up of a President, two Vice-Presidents and the coordinators of departments and research groups. The Coordination Council is responsible for the direction, management and administration of the Centre.

Presently, the members of this Council of Coordination are

Scientific Council

The Scientific Council is formed by all integrated members of the Centre. It is responsible for
Approving its regulations; organising the Centre’s scientific activity; issuing regulations and making deliberations on any matters related to the Centre’s aims; creating and extinguishing departments and research groups, as well as indicating the coordinators in charge; admitting members; issuing opinions on the plan of activities and budget, as well as the respective annual report on the institution’s activities.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is formed by specialists and individuals of recognised scientific merit from outside the Lusófona Group, designated by the Scientific Council, who are responsible for advising and analysing the development of the Centre’s activities. The Board of Trustees shall also issue an opinion on the annual report, plan and budget of the unit.
CEAD’s research and development activities are organised into departments and research groups, which are headed by a coordinator. Their structure, nature and functioning are defined in specific regulations. There are also research areas and research projects.

Currently, the Board of Trustees is composed by:

  • Dr. Daniel Proença de Carvalho
  • Counselling Judge João Manuel da Silva Miguel
  • Professor Doctor Miguel Abel Souto
  • Dr. Carlos Albuquerque
  • Professor Ana Teresa Peixinho

Science Managers

  • Dr. José Nuno Aguiar
  • Dr. Carlos Ferreira da Silva