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Collective work - DECENT WORK: a cross-border dialogue on the UN 2030 Agenda

The collective work "DECENT WORK: a dialogue beyond borders on the UN Agenda 2030" was published, with the contribution of Professors from the Faculty of Law of Universidade Lusófona and CEAD.

The authors of the book included the following professors: Carolina de Freitas e Silva, Joana Neto, José Gonçalves Machado, Luís Manuel Pica, Mário Silveiro Barros, Marlene Mendes and Tiago Cochofel de Azevedo.

The purpose of the work, which can be consulted in the CEAD Bibliographic Center (room N.1.5), is to present a set of reflections on the path taken and to be followed towards the sustainable development of nations, necessarily involving the notion of work in conditions that dignify the human person.