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Book - Legal business and medical civil liability

We publicize the publication of the book "Legal business and medical civil liability" which was coordinated by Prof. Doctor Ana Isa Meireles and Prof. Doctor Diana Coutinho.

This book of Minutes is the result of contributions shared at the 1st Seminar on Legal Business and Medical Civil Responsibility, held on April 20, 2023, at Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário do Porto, which was organized with the support of CEAD and the NED (Nucleus of Law Students at Universidade Lusófona).

Taking into account that medico-legal issues are constantly evolving, and in particular in view of the changes introduced by artificial intelligence, as well as the fact that new questions and problems arise in traditional areas of Civil Law, the Seminar provided a space for sharing and debate about the problems and new challenges that this aspect of Law faces.