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Arbeitskreis Normentheorie - Norm Theory Working Group

The Norm Theory Working Group is an international network consisting of legal scholars, that deals with the so called “norm theory”. The premise of this theory is a distinction between conduct norms (primary norms), which constitute either a prohibition or duty to act, and sanction norms (secondary norms), which provide a sanction in cases where the conduct norm has been violated and certain additional requirements are fulfilled. Many domestic and foreign legal scholars take this approach into account when doing research on, but not limited to, criminal law.

The network's aim is to make the potential of this theoretical approach fertile for the international discourse by means of regular exchanges. In order to do so, the network plans to discuss current and fundamental problems of criminal law that legal orders all over the world are facing. As part of this exchange, the similarities and differences of the theoretical concepts of “norm theory”, as well as their backgrounds, shall be identified, thereby facilitating future national and international discourse.

This project involves the collaboration of Inês Fernandes Godinho, Associated Professor and CEAD Francisco Suárez Researcher. Several articles are the result of her authorship, such as:

  • Die Kollektivierung der Norm und kollektive Normen  (pp. 117-128, in Kollektivierung als Herausforderung für das Strafrecht - DOI;
  • Schädigung durch autonom handelnde Maschinen. Skizzierung einer Verantwortungszuweisung durch Haftungs- und Zurechnungsnormen im Strafrecht (pp. 89-100 in Normentheorie im digitalen Zeitalter - DOI;

Project number: 467673971

Funding organziation: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

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