Integrated Researchers
Inês Fernandes Godinho
Inês Fernandes Godinho is an Associate Professor at the Universidade Lusófona (Porto). She holds a PhD in Legal-Criminal Sciences from the University of Coimbra in May 2013 and is a researcher at two research centres, CEAD Francisco Suárez, of which she is currently Vice-President (ULusófona) and the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research (UC). She is also an associate of the Centre for Biomedical Law, the Portuguese Ass. of Law Theory, Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy and the International Foundation for Criminal Sciences. In 2016 she won an award from the Max-Planck Institut (Freiburg) and in 2017 she was an Invited Assistant Professor at the Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. She was also a DAAD Fellow in a research project with the University of Bonn (Germany) and a PhD FCT Fellow. As a researcher she did several research stays in Germany (Bonn and Freiburg) and in England (Oxford). She is the author of several legal titles, published in Portugal and abroad.