The 1820 — Revista de Ciência Política (Journal of Politic Science) invites all researchers to submit sciencitific articles to publication number 7, to 1st semester of 2024.
It's a publication of Fsculty of Law and Politic Science from Lusofona University - Center of Porto, in association with CEAD, and has mensal periodicy. It publishes articles in Political Science, Law, History, Economics, International Relations, Philosophy, and other fields of knowledge within the scope of the Humanities.
The present issue will have as its central theme the transformations of the international order.
The articles submission must be by Febreuary 16th, 2024, through the email adress, as well as any clarification of possible questions that may arise.
The decision regarding the approval of the articles will be sent via email by February 23, 2024.