Three researchers from CEAD Francisco Suárez contributed publications to the work Freedom of Press in Portugal and Europe, which was launched on December 17 at the Assembly of the Republic.
The contributions include an analysis by Prof. Dr. Inês Fernandes Godinho (Integrated Researcher) and Dr. Carlos Ferreira da Silva (Associate Researcher) on the case Almeida Arroja v. Portugal, Application No. 47238/19, judgment of March 19, 2024, titled Freedom of Expression and Value Judgments – The Case Almeida Arroja v. Portugal. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Bruno de Oliveira Moura (Integrated Researcher) provided an analysis of the case Dilipak v. Turkey, Application No. 29680/05, judgment of September 15, 2015, titled Political Criminal Law, Expression Offenses, and Press Freedom: "Defensive Democracy" in Light of and Beyond the Case Dilipak v. Turkey.
The book is available for purchase here.