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Seminar – Artificial Intelligence, Technology & Healthcare

We hereby disclose and invite the entire scientific and academic community to participate in the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Technology & Healthcare (ULP), promoted by the Lusophone University of Porto in partnership with CEAD Francisco Suárez, to be held on 29 April 2022, at the premises of the Lusófona University, in the city of Porto, Portugal (R. de Augusto Rosa 24, Porto). – Sala de Atos.

Date/Time of Performance

April 29th – 14h30 to 18h00


Lusófona University Porto (Sala de Atos)


14:30 Opening

José de Faria Costa
Director of FDCP and President of CEAD Francisco Suárez

António Tavares
Provider of Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto

Inês Godinho
Coordinator of the Law, Life and Technology Line

15:00 Panel I – Artificial Intelligence and Health Data

Moderated by:

Hugo Cunha Lança
CEAD Francisco Suárez

Pedro Sousa
Director of Organisational Management and Information Systems of SCMP

Carla Barbosa
Biomedical Law Centre

16:00 Debate

16:15 Coffee break

16:30 Panel II – Technology and Health Care

Moderated by:

Nuno Castro Marques
CEAD Francisco Suárez

Luís de Matos
Executive Director of Hospital da Prelada

Diana Coutinho
CEAD Francisco Suárez

17:30 Panel Debate

17:45 Panel Conclusions

Joana Oliveira and Ana Gonçalves
CEAD Francisco Suárez

18:00 Session Closure


Free entry