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Research Seminar – Administrative Offences and Expansion of Criminal Law

We hereby disclose and invite all the scientific and academic community to participate in the Research Seminar of the Master’s Degree in Legal-Criminal Sciences (ULP), promoted by the Board of the Master’s Degree in Legal-Criminal Sciences of the ULP in partnership with the CEAD Francisco Suárez, to be held on 20 May 2022, at the premises of the Lusófona University, in the city of Porto, Portugal (R. de Augusto Rosa 24, Porto).

The present activity aims to enhance critical and comparative reflection on problems of misdemeanours and the punitive system for students of post-graduate studies in legal and criminal sciences, with a view to promoting research.

Date/Years and Schedule

May 2nd, 2022 – 15:00 to 17:30


Lusófona University of Porto


  • 15:00 | Opening Remarks
    Alexandra Vilela – Director of the 2nd CE in Legal-Criminal Sciences
    Inês Godinho – Vice-President of CEAD Francisco Suárez
  • 15:10 | Administrative Offences
    Moderator: Alexandra Vilela
    Teresa Serra (Lawyer, Sérvulo & Associados)
    Misdemeanours in action
  • 16:00 | The expansion of Criminal Law
    Moderator: Inês Godinho
    David Pavón (Universidad Europea)
    The use of criminal law in corporate crimes
    Álvaro Alzina Lozano (Rey Juan Carlos University)
    The expansion of criminal law as a concept: sports offences
  • 17:30 | End of Session


Free admission