Permanent Seminar on Current Issues in Law: The crime of money laundering: still a composite offence?
The Permanent Seminar on Current Issues in Law is a monthly event organized by the 2nd Cycle of Studies in Law (Masters) of the FDCP-ULP, through which it aims to motivate the target audience of this cycle of studies and other relevant audiences, for the diversity of problems, issues and controversies of the current world of law.
- Maria do Rosário Anjos – Director of the 2nd study cycle in Law at the FDCP-ULP
Scientific Committee
- Alexandra Vilela (FDCP-ULP)
- António Monteiro Fernandes (FD-ULHT)
- Fábio da Silva Veiga (FDCP-ULP)
- Inês Godinho (FDCP-ULP)
- Nuno Castro Marques (FDCP-ULP)
- Maria do Rosário Anjos (FDCP-ULP)
Academic Secretary
- Leonardo Foeppel (IBEROJUR)
Ongoing online events throughout the academic year
The second year of the Permanent Seminar on Current Issues in Law, 2021/2022, counts with the partnership of IBEROJUR and other institutions of the Lusófona Group. It will take place in an on-line format (via ZOOM), promoting the dissemination of legal reflection on the various topics throughout the Lusophone area.
The first Seminar of this 3rd edition will start on 17 February 2022, at 18:00 of Portugal time (15:00 of Brasília time) and will be dedicated to the discussion of some current issues on “The Crime of Money Laundering”. It will be attended by Professor André Lamas Leite, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto.
Title of the conference “The crime of money-laundering: still a composite offence?
Free registration with the issue of a certificate
Fill in the form (to issue certificates)
Information /
Enter the Zoom meeting (17th February, 2022, at 15:00 of Portugal time (21:00 Brasília time) access the link: (registered)