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International Colloquium: Criminal Law in the 21st Century: A Law in Revolution?

24th of january 2024

he International Colloquium "Criminal Law in the 21st Century: A Law in Revolution?" took place on January 24th at 11:30 AM at Lusófona University - Porto University Center (Room 3.1).

Given the increasing internationalization, the aim of this International Colloquium was to bring to debate various perspectives on the direction of current Criminal Law, a branch that, in light of certain changes, requires careful consideration and caution.

The event was organized by the Directorate of the 2nd Cycle of Studies in Legal-Criminal Sciences, in partnership with CEAD Francisco Suárez and the Portuguese Bar Association - Porto Regional Council.

The event was open to the public but required registration.

Here are some photos from the event.CDP1.jpgCDP6.jpgCDP4.jpgCDP3.jpgCDP2.jpg