Associated Researchers
Joana Oliveira
Joana Tavares de Oliveira holds a Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences and is an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University – Lisbon University Center. She serves on the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine as an elected member, as well as on the Ethics and Animal Welfare Committee of the same faculty. With a Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto, and a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the same University, she is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Law at Lusófona University and holds a degree in Law from Lusófona University of Porto.
As a researcher affiliated with the CEAD Francisco Suárez and CBIOS, she is also a member of the Portuguese Order of Veterinary Doctors. She has previously served as the President of the Animal Welfare Body at the Medical Research Center of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto. Her research has focused extensively on Oncobiology at IPATIMUP/i3S – Institute of Research and Innovation in Health. Currently, her main research areas include Animal Law and Veterinary Forensic Medicine. She is an author of several scientific articles published in international journals, and international book chapters.