Associated Researchers
Flávio Serrano Roques
Flávio Serrano Roques is a PhD candidate in Law, Assistant Professor, and Deputy Director at the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Lusófona. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Law (2003 – pre-Bologna) from the Faculty of Law at Universidade Lusófona in Lisbon, a postgraduate degree in Penitentiary Studies from the Faculty of Law at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and is pursuing his PhD in Law at the Faculty of Law of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisbon School).
He has been a university lecturer since October 2003, starting his career as a trainee assistant in the Department of Law (now Faculty of Law) at Universidade Lusófona in Lisbon. Currently, he serves as the Deputy Director of the Faculty of Law at Universidade Lusófona in Lisbon and is a co-coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Criminology and Criminal Investigation at the same institution.
He was a permanent member of the oral exam juries for the 29th, 32nd, 33rd, 34th, and 35th initial training courses for judicial magistrates organized by the Center for Judicial Studies (2010, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019).
He has been a practicing lawyer, registered with the Portuguese Bar Association since March 2006, working in criminal law, labor law, and civil liability, including independent practice (initially registered as a trainee lawyer in October 2003). He is a founding partner of the law firm Dias, Bayó, Roques, Sociedade de Advogados, RL – DBR-ADVOGADOS, where he continues to practice law.
He is also a registered lawyer with the Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro Section, since February 2012, and serves as a lawyer and legal consultant for several companies in both Portugal and Brazil.