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Lisboa – Portugal
10 December 2021 (In person and online*)


  • José de Faria Costa (ULHT)
  • Fábio da Silva Veiga (ULP)


  • Paulo Prata (ULHT)
  • Peter Siqueira (ULHT)

Scientific Committee

  • António Monteiro Fernandes (ULHT) – Direito do Trabalho
  • Catherine Maria (ULP) – Direito Internacional
  • David Montoya Medina (U. Alicante) – Direito da Segurança Social
  • Gabriel Martín (U. Rey Juan Carlos) – Direito da União Europeia
  • Inês Godinho (ULP) – Direito Penal
  • Lorenzo Bujosa (U.Salamanca) – Direito Processual
  • Manuel Nogueira Serens (ULHT) – Direito Empresarial
  • Maria do Rosário Anjos (ULP) – Direito Administrativo
  • Milagros Otero Parga  (U. Santiago de Compostela) – Filosofia do Direito
  • Nuno Marques (ULP) – Direito Civil


Registrations are free of charge. Scientific event aimed at PhD students and PhD co-authors.

The Lusófona University, through its Research Centre CEAD – Francisco Suárez – and the Doctoral Studies in Law Cycle, invites the scientific and academic community to participate in the 1st Doctoral Seminar in Law to be held on 10 December 2021, in person and online, at the premises of the Lusófona University (ULHT), in the city of Lisbon, Portugal (Campo Grande, 376).

This is a scientific event aimed at doctoral students in Law, which will result in the opportunity to present papers in the thematic panels of the event, according to the procedure of submission of papers in accordance with the Call for papers (complete announcement below) and subsequent publication.

The submission of papers must follow the APA style standard.

Deadline for submitting proposals



Papers approved by the Scientific Committee will be included in the final programme of the Seminar.

Free registration (authors and audience) – free issue of communication and attendance certificates.


  • A maximum of one co-author is allowed for each paper and each participant may send only one paper in the format of abstract or full article;
  • Exclusive submission of abstract, non-published modality, is allowed; submission of full article, published modality, is allowed;
  • Participants should send the COMPLETE ARTICLE between 10 and 15 pages or RESUMO (200 to 500 words) by e-mail to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Papers must be original and unpublished (never published) and must not be under evaluation in another event;
  • Papers must be scientific in nature;
  • ADMITTED LANGUAGES: Portuguese, Spanish and English.
  • Deadline for submitting proposals: December 4, 2021


Authors of articles must submit according to the APA style standard.

For further information consult: Informação para Autores | ULP Law Review – Revista de Direito da ULP (


  • All papers will be received by the Members of the Organizing Committee of the event and, subsequently, will be sent to the Members of the Scientific Committee for double-blind peer review;
  • Any non-compliance with the above-mentioned formal requirements may cause the article or abstract to be rejected immediately or, in cases that the Organizing Committee considers appropriate, it may return the article or abstract requesting the author (or authors) to change the formal requirements within 5 days so that the article or abstract can be sent to the Members of the Scientific Committee.
  • The criteria for the evaluation of the articles take into account relevance of the proposed theme, clarity, conciseness and linguistic correctness, quality and resourcefulness of the argumentation, obedience to the formatting rules expressed in the announcement, correct presentation of citations and footnoteś, bibliographical references, relationship with the theme and the thematic lines expressed in this announcement, originality and pertinence of the analysis, well-defined topic, exhaustion of the proposed problem, contextualization of the problem, precise theoretical basis, clarity of the method used, clear identification of the sources used and cited, coherence between arguments and results presented, complete and current bibliographic and documentary review, critical analysis of other works presented on the topic;

Thematic lines:

  • Administrative Law
  • Civil Law
  • Business Law
  • International Law
  • Criminal law
  • Procedural law
  • Labour and Social Security Law
  • European Union law
  • Philosophy of law
  • As a general criterion for the admissibility of the papers proposed for individual authorship or co-authorship, one of the authors must hold at least a Master’s degree and be enrolled in a Doctoral programme at any national or foreign institution. This requirement is indispensable for the approval and publication of articles.
  • The criteria for evaluation of the abstracts, when this is the case of submission, take into account relevance of the proposed theme; objective of the investigation; research methodology and main conclusions.
  • Articles and abstracts received will be evaluated by members of the Scientific Committee of the event, holders of equal or higher title than the author with the highest title.
  • The Scientific Committee members are composed of PhDs with distinct knowledge about the proposed topics in each thematic area.
  • The Scientific Committee is an autonomous, independent and impartial body; it acts in a “blind” judgment format without knowledge of the author of the work. Majority decisions (e.g. two votes against one) are declared final and unappealable.
  • The decisions of the Scientific Committee may be reasoned or not, at the discretion of the body itself.


  • No registration fee will be due.
  • The event will be limited to 30 (thirty) registrations of papers and their respective authors.
  • The authors should choose the type of communication of their work: face-to-face or online.
  • The face-to-face event will take place at Lusófona University, Campo Grande, 376, Lisbon. Library Auditorium and Room N.1.1. from 9.30 a.m. on December 10th.
  • The online event will be held via the Zoom platform, simultaneously with the face-to-face event.


  • The registration of attendees is guaranteed by filling in the form.
  • The number of registrations will be limited to the capacity of ULHT’s auditorium for those registering in person.
  • The online registration is unlimited.


  • All the papers approved and presented at the Seminar, will be published in scientific journals associated with the CEAD – Francisco Suárez Research Centre: ULP Law Review – ULP Law Journal and De Legibus – ULHT Law Journal.


  • The authors, when submitting and presenting their articles, automatically cede their copyright and image rights, irrevocably and free of charge, not consisting in any remuneration to the same. The articles may be published, since with mention to the respective authors, in digital or printed format, periodicals or in other publications/platforms at the discretion of Lusófona University.
  • Only the author, registered in the participant mode, will have his/her paper presentation certificate. For this reason, both authors and co-authors should register in the participant mode so that both may be certified.
  • The publication of the paper is compulsory conditioned to its presentation by at least one of the authors enrolled in the participant mode.


  • All declarations and certificates related to the event will be delivered exclusively digitally to all participants.
  • All duly registered participants and assistants who obtain the minimum attendance of 75% of participation in the event shall be entitled to a certificate of participation in the event.
  • For the purposes of counting attendance percentage, presence at the event shall be considered, in accordance with the official programme.
  • Any person may participate in the event as an assistant. In this case, he/she will only receive a certificate of participation, provided that due records of attendance are kept.


  • The cases not dealt with in this announcement will be decided by the Seminar coordination.


Partner institutions