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Colloquium – Space in Three Dimensions

In the scope of the new partnership between the Law Faculty and the International Academy for Space Studies, an International Conference on Extra- Atmospheric Space will be held online on Wednesday, May 12th.

The event is free of charge, with free access and a certificate of participation. It will take place via Zoom Colibri, through the link


09h45: Opening

  • Professor Doutor José de Faria Costa, Director of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon’s Lusófona University

10h00: Space in Portugal, Europe and the World

  • Engineer Ricardo Conde, President of Portugal Space
  • Rear Admiral António Gameiro Marques, General Director of the National Security Office
  • (Moderator: Dr. Nuno Magalhães)

11h30: International Regime of Spaces and the Common Heritage of Humanity

  • Professor Doutor Francisco Ferreira de Almeida (ULHT) – “The Emancipation of the Gemeinschaft in Space(s)
  • Professor Doutor Fernando Loureiro Bastos (FDUL) – “Common Heritage of Humanity and the Governance of Common Spaces
  • Professora Doutora Paula Veiga (FDUC) – “Challenges to the law of extra-atmospheric space: from a bilateral time to a global time” (Moderator: Dr. Vítor Vítor)
  • (Moderator: Dr. Vítor Hugo Dias)

14h30: Outer Space: Brazilian Scenario and Future Prospects – Technology, Defence and Law

  • Professor Doutor Pierre Mattei (IASS) – “The Impact of Space Technology in the Generation of New Industries
  • Brigadier-General José Vagner Vital (IASS) – Military Expression of the Brazilian Space Strategic Sector: Present View
  • Professora Doutora Maria Helena Rolim (IASS) – “Brazilian Space Law: Pragmatic and Theoretical-Prospective Analysis”.
  • (Moderator: Prof. Doutor André Inácio)

16h30: Closing Session

  • Professor Doutor Mário Caneva Moutinho, Magnificent Rector of Lusófona University of Humanities and Technology


  • Engineer Ricardo Conde
    Chairman of Portugal Space. He started his professional career in 1991 and has been connected to the Aeronautical and Space sector since 1993 with participation in several National and International programs in this area, in particular in the Space and Earth Segments.
  • Rear Admiral António Gameiro Marques
    He is General Director of the National Security Office, participated in the development and maintenance of the software of the combat systems of the Portuguese Navy’s Vasco da Gama class frigates. From 1999 to 2004 he served in the Division of Communications and Information Systems of the Navy’s General Staff, having participated in the doctrinal development in the area of IT and simultaneously headed projects in this area, namely the Modernization and Automation of the national Radio Stations in a joint project with NATO. He was the Navy military adviser to the Portuguese Ambassador to the Atlantic Alliance at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, where he cumulatively represented Portugal on the NATO Consultation Command and Control Board (NC3B), the entity responsible in that international organization for all matters related to information and communication technologies.
  • Professor Doutor Francisco Ferreira de Almeida
    He is Doctor in Law and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of Universidade Lusófona, where he is responsible for the courses of Administrative Law and International Public Law. He is President of the General Assembly of the Jus Gentium Conimbrigae, since 2010; Vice-president of the Directive Council of the CEDOUA. He is the author of monographs and journal articles.
  • Professor DoutorFernando Loureiro Bastos
    Holds a PhD in Law and is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon. He is the Director of Studies of the Portuguese Society of International Law, a member of CIDP – Centro de Investigação de Direito Público, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, of the international research projects ICLA and MARSAFENET, and also a collaborator of the Law of the Sea Group of CIIMAR. He is the author of several works.
  • Professora Doutora Paula Veiga
    Paula Veiga is Doctor in Law and Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, in the areas of Constitutional Law and Public International Law, she has mainly investigated the themes of law of extra-atmospheric space, the organization of political power in the cosmopolitan world, citizenship, human rights, (political) corruption and global constitutionalism. He is a member of the Legal Institute of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra and integrates the direction of two Institutes: the Ius Gentium Conimbrigae (IGC) and the Legal Institute of Communication (IJC). In addition to his academic activity, he has held positions in the Economic and Social Committee of the European Union, in the Office of the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Internal Administration, in the National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) and in the UN Committee for the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS).
  • Professor Doutor Pierre Mattei
    He is Vice-President of IASS – International Academy for Space Studies, CCO of Orbital Engenharia S.A., CEO of Aerospacefy L.L.C., and Colonel (Ret.) of the BAF. He has more than 36 years of experience in the aerospace segment. He was director of an applied research centre, general manager of a multinational company, business development manager, visiting scholar at MIT (USA) and ISAE-SUPAERO (France), ITA (Brazil) lecturer, technical program manager for the Brazilian Air Force, scientific researcher, and military pilot. Post-doctorate and PhD in Computer Science, MSc in Physics, BSc in Electronics Engineering, MBA, and Aeronautical Sciences
  • Brig. José Vagner Vital
    Is Air Brigadier. Brazilian Air Force and Vice-President of the Commission for Coordination and Deployment of Space Systems (CCISE). He was the founder of CCISE, elaborated the base text for the Strategic Program for Space Systems (PESE) and coordinated the teams for the revision and elaboration of the technical annexes of PESE. He has a degree in Electronic Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA); Master of Science in Microwave Egineering from the Technische Universitaet Muen chen (TUM); Course of the Aeronautical Command and General Staff School (ECEMAR); Course of Politics, Strategy and High Administration of the Brazilian Army (CPEAEX).
  • Professora Doutora Maria Helena Rolim
    She was a legal adviser to the United Nations for over 30 years. Visiting scholar at the UN Institute of International Maritime Law, Malta (UN/IMLI). Member of the International Institute of Space Law of the International Federation of Astronautics (IISL), of the Centre for Political and Strategic Studies of the Brazilian Navy (PSSCBN) and of the Higher Council for Foreign Trade, Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP). She was Professor of International Law at the University of São Paulo, of Space Law at ITA, and of Law of the Sea at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo. Former legal advisor at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). Was the Brazilian legal advisor to the ISS Programme. Published extensively on Law of the Sea and Space in Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, Japan, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the UK.
  • Professor Doutor André Inácio
    André Inácio is a Doctoral Degree in Law and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Lusófona University of Lisbon. He is a Senior Researcher at the Data Protection Observatory at CEDIS/UN and a Researcher at IPRI/UN. Member of the CEID (FD/ULHT). National Defence Auditor (2003) and member of various national and international associations, within the scope of Security, Defence and Justice, he was a member of three boards of the AACDN, he is a founder and member of the Consultative Council of OSCOT and of the Observatory for the Islamic World (OMI), he is also a member of AFCEA International and of CISEG, Comunidad de Inteligencia y Seguridad Global. Criminal Investigator in the PJ (1989/2009). Staff member of the National Civil Aviation Authority. International trainer in the fields of Security and Justice. Commentator for SIC-noticias for security and criminal investigation issues, he has published several articles and numerous interviews in the media on Law and Security.
  • Dr. Nuno Magalhães
    He is Visiting Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Lusófona University of Lisbon, where he teaches Political Science and Constitutional Law, European Law and International Public Law. He is a Lawyer and legal consultant. He was President of the CDS-PP parliamentary group. He has been a Member of Parliament and a member of the committees on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees; Foreign Affairs and Portuguese Communities; European Affairs; Economy, Innovation and Public Works; Health; Ethics and Culture. He was Secretary of State of Internal Administration, in charge of the Foreigners and Borders Services; organization and direction of the Security System of the European football championship (Euro 2004) and of the final of the UEFA Cup in 2005; General Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Administration, namely in the area of private security; General Directorate of Transportation; Technical Service to Support the Electoral Process and Legal Auditing (2002-2005).
  • Dr. Vítor Hugo Dias
    He has a Master’s Degree in Law, a Postgraduate Degree in Criminology and Criminal Investigation and is a Monitor Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Lusófona University of Lisbon, where he teaches Public International Law and European Union Law. He is a collaborator at the Francisco Suárez Centre for Advanced Studies in Law (CEAD). He cooperates in the Coordination for Internationalization of the Law Faculty. He is a Trainee Lawyer. He was President of the European Law Students’ Association – Lusófona Lisboa.