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Associated Researchers

Francisco Amado Ferreira

Francisco João Amado Ferreira holds a Master's and Ph.D. in Law from the Faculty of Law at the University of Coimbra (Legal and Criminal Sciences). He completed his Post-Doctoral studies in Human Rights (IGC/CDH) and earned Post-Graduate degrees in Economic and European Criminal Law (IDPEE), Medicine Law (CDB), Pharmacy Law (CDB), and Administrative Justice (CEDIPRE), all from affiliated institutes of the Faculty of Law at the University of Coimbra.

He has been practicing as a lawyer since April 2001. In February 2020, he was invited by IGC/CDH to collaborate on academic and scientific research projects. He currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the Universidade Lusófona, at the Lisbon and Porto University Centers.

Additionally, he is an integrated researcher at the UI&D-Cead Francisco Suárez.